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Uncharted Territories: Exploring Psilocybin as a Tool for Embracing Uncertainty

T. Martell

Imagine being trapped in a prison where you had to pay for water, air, fire, and earth itself, on top of the fact we can find all four elements inside the human body but we’ll save that for another topic. There are these things called “jobs” that you work to create this thing we call “money” while we work our lives away in the prison. Meanwhile, the prison naturally grows magical fungus (mushrooms) that help to bring divine self-realization and overall awareness to the curious patron who partakes in this psychedelic experience. The only problem is, these trippy treats are legitimately illegal, but could things be taking a turn for the thirst? Yes, thirst. The FDA called it the “psychedelic renaissance” the legal reemergence of mind-altering substances such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, DMT, ayahuasca, and peyote to name a few. In 2018 the FDA ran a series of clinical trials with several patients, and the results showed that psilocybin and LSD helped many patients battling depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Newsweek).

Why do these natural substances have such a bad rep in the eyes of most? Do we only base our opinions on others who have not even dove into the deep abyss of fungus? Or are we doing our own research when it comes to this unique gift from earth? Maybe the majority of us haven’t been digging deep enough, too caught up on the surface level “surviving” just to continue the cycle of endless energy output. Or “paying bills” as we know it to be. Who the fuck is “Bill” anyway?

However, could it be the fact mushrooms and other psychedelics help you tap into the unseen realm, that’s powering that surface-level reality occupying your physical eyes every day? Sprinklin’ a hint of personal experience in the mix, I might have dabbled in psychedelics once or thrice but that doesn’t mean your experience essentially would be identical to mine. Which is absolutely fine. Honestly, though, words can barely touch the backboard as far as how mystical and miraculous these experiences actually are. It’s kind of like Morpheus telling Neo in The Matrix; “I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.”

For the disclaimer. No, I am not glorifying drug use. I am spreading awareness on tools for expanding spirituality that have been tied in with misleading narratives over the years more so with mainstream media. Many ancient cultures have well-documented accounts with psychedelic rituals. It was initiation in specific areas of consciousness or simply for observation and universal innerstanding. Basically, what I’m saying here is Intent! Intention is or should be the driving force behind all that we do. Your intent is tied with your will. If you decide to take a trip through your mind with the help of psilocybin or other psychedelic substances, at the least have some sort of intention with it. Yes, fun is fun of course but it’s no fun when your energy spirals downward and you find your self in no man's land for the next 5 hours. Knowing your dosage is key and comes with time. Start small and work your way from there. Don’t sleep on the baby doses. Those will make you tuck your chain when Debo pulls up if you think it’s a game. Respect the plant and it will do the same for you. There are no harsh side effects based on my accounts with psilocybin besides a nice appetite. Usually, the day after I feel super rejuvenated being I detached myself from the material realm for a bit. I would encourage people to try psilocybin at least once in moderation and with the proper supervision. I have to stress this point that I don’t feel you need this substance to achieve the states of consciousness you want but hey they damn sure help a lot. Proper diet, meditation, and mindset could give you the same effect if not greater ones. These outside sources just instantaneously open your pineal gland, boosting your energy temporarily. Have people around you that you trust and naturally have good energy that you vibe with. These substances heighten your regular senses a lot more causing your awareness to hone in those dormant areas of your psyche and surroundings. A low vibration environment usually equals a low vibratory experience, keeping your energy cycling in the lower three chakras. (Root, sacral, and naval). The ultimate goal is bypassing your ego for a bit to see your reality from a “birds-eye view” without judgment from your worst critic...yourself. That’s one way I could best describe it. It takes your mind off auto-pilot and puts you in full control of the ship, which could be why there “sooo” bad to some of us. The idea of not being in control is scary to anyone. This notion also leads me to believe not everyone is suitable for such substances. Yes, I’m all for doing as thou wilt, but in moderation...or balance better yet.

At this point in time, Oakland and Denver are the only two states to decriminalize psilocybin and other psychedelic phenomena but will we see other states following their footsteps? If so, don’t be surprised if the mental and spiritual climate of this planet makes a drastic turn in years to come.


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