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Nicolas Dee

Unlocking the Mystery: Who is God?

Have you ever questioned your beliefs? Have you ever wondered what makes the moon glow at night and the sun shine in the morning? Have you ever wondered what life means or where humans come from? Have you ever walked outside and breathed the very fresh air that you can't see but feel? Have you ever felt a sudden shift in movement when you were at a prestigious mega-church due to the presence of other folks? I’d like to take a stab at these questions and give my opinion, in detail of who God is. I hope you enjoy.

You are probably reading that first paragraph and wondering to yourself what did I just read. Well if you made it this far without picking up your Bible or scrolling through to the next page you’re gonna get a dose of "Who is God." Let's dive in, for those that are religious I assume most of you believe God is a man in the sky that sits on a throne surrounded by those who worship and do the work of the greater heavens, while, the Devil runs rampant on the earth — which in a lot of you all’s mind is the only planet that has life even though there are over twenty other galaxies that we can't get to or haven’t explored, but that's another discussion. I assume most of you believe those who are sinful won't make it to heaven even though according to the Bible if you read it, everybody is born of sin and we are the offspring of Adam of Eve being disobedient in the Garden of Eden. You may also believe in Jesus Christ and many of his miracles that today scientifically could not be proven, however, in the Bible it says it happened — though we don't know the true authors of the Bible. This isn't a diss but to be quite honest most of the things you all believe are a lie. We can agree to disagree on most things but this isn't it chief. Now I know a lot of you will say whatever or you don't care but deep down you do because at the end of the day most humans want to be right and strive to be right every day. It’s like a chronic smoker that knows it's bad and causes cancer but yet will still smoke that cigarette to prove a point to others, that they’re wrong when in reality they are right and the smoker is wrong and delusional. I say delusional because at the end of the day being religion has more cons than pros. For starters, most are cult-like and crooked. Take examples of TD Jakes and Joel Osteen. Both highly respected men in their fields and I've read TD Jakes’ book about his humble beginnings. With that being said that doesn't exempt him from criticism of what is going on behind the scenes. I say that because pastors like this prey on folks who don't study history and understand what's going on. Basically what I'm saying is, they are selling hope and the Bible that you put your heart into is their weapon of choice. For starters, most of the things they say are regurgitated every year with no will or effect of changing folks' lives financially or spiritually. You may think you are being lifted when you hear some of these con artists preach, but you can get the same lift at a Beyonce concert or if you go to Coachella. So in essence who is getting lifted? And where is your God-like energy manifesting and going to? You have to understand the universe works mentally and those that are praised seem God-like in stature. It's the reason the pastor holds the highest place in some communities, especially low-income ones but yet has a history of being some of the worst humans on earth. I say that because this history traces back to early Europe before most of the Catholic priests invaded other countries with hidden agendas of doing things that would make Hitler look like a saint. In the book Destruction of Black Civilization it talks about this, and many other vicious acts they would do, especially to kids and women. In essence, you have to ask yourself, is being religious gonna save me — and is the God I praise every Sunday real? Well if you made it this far my next paragraph will shock you.

God is real, and it's crazy because you talk to God every day. You see God's anger and you see God's faults. You see God's sin and you see God's mistakes. You see God's heartbrokenness and you see God's battles. You see God's beginning and God's end. You see God's many creations and you see God's many failures. You see God's crooked ways, and you see God's craziness. But all in all, you see God's love because at the end of the day LOVE is the true equalizer to all. You are God if you didn't catch what I was saying. You are the image, the light, the dark and the powerful. You have a mind to do anything and everything you want in the universe, which is a reflection of the inner YOU. This can be for the greater good, or the lowest of the low because at the end of the day we aren't perfect humans. Our spirits, however, are perfection along with our DNA, that's why I truly believe everybody has a purpose in this part of the galaxy because we designed the world we live in today. Look around, there's not something you don't use that wasn't built by God. From the phones you use to the airplanes you ride on. Over time as human minds advance like our ancestor's minds of upper and lower Egypt back in the day we will truly understand what it means to be a God, thus taking our rightful place within this galaxy and establishing universal order and laws for humankind. Now I know you’re wondering well if we are God then who is the Devil. The Devil is nothing more than "human error." In reality, if the Devil ran this planet like most religions speak about then this world would be the Dark Ages times one hundred. Meaning, women raped every five seconds, men killed every five seconds, and babies killed on the daily. As cruel as that sounds that's how hell would look. But if you dive deeper it's nothing more than human failure to tap into their inner self so they go to their dark side, which is why God said, I am the light and the dark. If you are made in the image of the universe and you are the universe, you have a dark side. It's all about keeping a balance and understanding that there is a cause and effect if you do go dark — because a lot of humans do. I say that because there are folks in the world that stay in the dark but there are those of God-like minds that make a change because at the end of the day nobody is gonna save you including Jesus. I say that point because Jesus sure went missing for 400 years when slavery was in effect as well as the many wars and failures of planes that went missing or crashed.

In conclusion, God is YOU and this life is what you make it, good or bad. You reap your causes and effects and establish your own rules. Most religions don't teach you this because, for one, they would lose members and the games they play would be up. With that being said I still respect religion and the things it has done, which is kept those that are on the brink of going dark to believe in themselves or a Jesus. I say that because some folks need hope and need to be around those that are seeking hope because it makes them feel better. A world without religion would not be chaos but a lot of good folks would be in different positions if you know what I mean. The universe which is supreme to everything including you and I will always be forgiving, for we do not know everything until we transition to the next plane. I hope by reading this you took the time to realize who you are and what you can grasp with your mind. These secrets have been out for years and it's a major reason most info from the Bible is missing and in the Vatican locked away because it describes most of what I just said. How do I know, well when you walk in a Godly image your intuition tells you all you need to know. I hope you enjoy this article and for my religious folks out there hallelujah haha. Oh yeah, I forgot because I know this was on your mind, what happens after this life. Well if I told you, you would be angry, so enjoy what you do now.

Much love to y'all.


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